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Happy World Radio Day!

Updated: Feb 14, 2019

The following was posted front page of the United Nations website:

Radio is the mass medium reaching the widest audience in the world. It is also recognized as a powerful communication tool and a low-cost medium. Radio is specifically suited to reach remote communities and vulnerable people: the illiterate, the disabled, women, youth and the poor, while offering a platform to intervene in the public debate, irrespective of people’s educational level. Furthermore, radio has a strong and specific role in emergency communication and disaster relief. There is also a changing face to radio services, which in the present times of media convergence, are taking up new technological forms, such as broadband, mobiles and tablets. Radio is still the most dynamic, reactive and engaging medium there is, adapting to 21st-century changes and offering new ways to interact and participate. Where social media and audience fragmentation can put us in media bubbles of like-minded people, radio is uniquely positioned to bring communities together and foster positive dialogue for change. By listening to its audiences and responding to their needs, radio provides the diversity of views and voices needed to address the challenges we all face.

I find it ironic that today, both Restoration Radio and Good News Radio are both streaming full stream ahead, Good News Radio having just come online with full Shoutcast directory support, (thanks to those who have worked on the technical issues for us). In other words, both of CrossWay Mission's Worldwide Radio Stations are online and have been listened to by over 50 countries, approximately 3400 sermons have been heard, and today, Good News Radio was added to 19 worldwide directories. The average session length is 81 minutes.


The 19 directories Good News Radio was added to today exposes the station to millions of potential listeners and now that both Restoration Radio and Good News Radio are working correctly with full directory listings, we are shopping for apps.

At present, there are approximately 2.5 billion smartphone users worldwide... that doesn't include tablets, laptops, desktop computers and smart TV's. In America alone, over 53 percent of the population listens to internet radio.

The building of a free app available to both Android and Apple devices is the logical next step. Here's what we are looking at;

Think of the potential of putting the Good News of Christ in the ears of so many! It's absolutely one of the most exciting things I've ever done!

Considering that the development of a smartphone app is very involved, we are studying it carefully before we decide how to proceed. We are not sure of the timeline as of yet, but development will commence very soon once our research is complete. If any of our readers have any insights or experience regarding this particular matter, please call or email us.

Also, please consider supporting this worldwide outreach. The websites, streaming servers, listener slots, bandwidth, app development and maintenance is expensive and as more listeners come online, the expense of maintaining these stations will increase. You can support CrossWay Missions here.

Above all else, please pray for the many who will hear the beautiful message of the Cross via these efforts. Pray that they might be receptive to the Gospel of Christ and that they might come to Him and find salvation.

Remember Jesus commanded us,

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:15-16

I can think of no better way for us to obey His command... Join with us and help preach the Gospel to the world!


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