When I arrived in Carrabelle, Florida on June 13th, 2016, Annie was put on the hard for a minor refit, (Sailor terminology for taken out of the water and placed on stands in a boatyard). Of course, I have learned with boats, the word "minor," can mean more than it implies. My original plan was to have the refit work completed within three months... again, "minor" doesn't always work out like you think it will. We're fast approaching five months... BUT the water is in sight!
Barring any unforeseen problems, Annie will be back in the water within the next ten days. Her topside has its first coat of paint and by the end of the week, her topside paint job will be complete. Her bottom work will then be completed, it will be painted, her name place on her stern, and she will once again taste salt-water.
Once she is safely back in the water and secured in her slip at the local marina, I will engage in recruitment. I will begin a thorough search for a fellow missionary to join me in "Mission Saint Lucia." I hope to visit some of the Mission Departments of our brotherhood colleges and speak with missionary minded students who may be willing to align with this mission. I am sure God will lead me to the individual(s) He has set aside for this work.
Please continue to pray for this mission, and if you can, support it financially, as we move forward in fulfilling His command,
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15.