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Finding A Partner...

Writer's picture: David FincherDavid Fincher

When Jesus sent out the disciples and later, the seventy, He sent them out in pairs, Luke 10; Matthew 10; Mark 6.

When Paul embarked on his missionary journeys, he always paired up with someone and sometimes, more than one person... Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, Luke, and others. Actually, it was the Holy Spirit that appointed Paul and Barnabas to the First Missionary Journey.

My point is clear. I need a partner. 

There are numerous reasons for partnering with someone for missionary work.

First, encouragement. There is, most likely, a reason the Holy Spirit chose Barnabas to partner with Paul on the First Missionary Journey... He was the "Son of Encouragement." No doubt, when Paul and Barnabas were driven out of cities and almost stoned by a mob, they would need each other for encouragement. Alone, it would be easy to become discouraged and go home.

Second, accountability. Alone, one could easily lose sight of the mission. The busyness of life can eventually sidetrack and bog down a mission. When partnered with another mission minded individual, the mission stays front and center. The team will by default,

"Provoke one another to love and good works." Hebrews 10:24.

Third, comradery. Paul would actually say of Timothy, another partner in his missionary work,

"For I have no man like-minded, who will naturally care for your state." Philippians 2:20.

There is a comradery that develops between missionaries as they engage in the preaching and teaching the Gospel. The joint efforts to reach the lost becomes a "Tie that binds" and the team becomes and stays focused on things eternal.

Fourth, talents. Everyone has gifts, or talents. When Paul went on his second missionary journey he chose Silas to join him, Acts 15:40. Paul’s spiritual gift was that of apostle and teacher, Ephesians. 4:11, while Silas gift was that of prophet, Acts 15:32. While in Lystra, Timothy joined the team. Timothy had the gift of evangelist, Acts 16:1-3; II Timothy 4:5. Between these three men and the variety of talents that each possessed, they could effectively reach out to people with the gospel, establish and teach local churches, and train other men in the truths of the Word of God.

The list goes on but time and space are limited.

The bottom line, I am actively seeking a partner or possibly partners for Mission Saint Lucia. Over the next few weeks I will be contacting numerous brotherhood colleges and hopefully scheduling meetings with their respective missions departments in January or early February. I am also looking into the possibility of reaching out through brotherhood publications. God is, I'm sure, already working in regard to this, (I have made contact with an experienced missionary who has worked for years in The Islands).

Mission Saint Lucia is a great need. There are no "Christian Churches" in this country... almost 200,000 eternal souls! The field is white unto harvest... who will go?

Please pray that God continues to lead this mission and we find the missionary partner(s) best suited to preach and teach the Gospel of Christ to the lost of this land.


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