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Pushing Up The Departure Date

My initial departure date to leave Stuart for Carrabelle, Florida was June 16th. That date has now been pushed up to June 1st.

The reason for the earlier departure is because of the money it will save me. When I came to Sunset Bay Marina I signed in at the annual rate which is $1.00 per ft. less than the month to month rate. Due to the circumstances, I'll fall short of being here a year and will have to pay a penalty that amounts to the difference of $1.00 per ft... times nine months, OUCH!

Because the monthly rate here is so high, it will be better to leave on June 1st and not have to pay the high monthly rate for the month of June; plus I'll also save when I reach Carrabelle. Annie will be pulled out of the water there for bottom painting and other "on the hard" work for about two months, (which is half the rate I pay here in Stuart).

The only problem in pushing the date up to June 1st is, instead of 53 days to ready her for the sail, I now have 39 days. It's OK. Lord willing, she'll launch on time and God will bless us with safe passage.

I am excited about getting to Carrabelle and entering the next phase of the mission work; sharing the mission with mission-minded people and churches. I will be travelling extensively speaking to mission-minded churches and gathering support for this good work.

If you would like for me to come and share the mission plan with your church, please contact me. We'll set a date I will be there with bells on. I can't wait to share this vision with as many as will listen.

For those individuals and churches that have already come aboard in support of this mission, thank you. God bless you for your faith and your commitment to sharing the Gospel of Christ with a lost and dying world.

Please continue to pray for this mission and for my safe passage to Carrabelle.

God bless you.


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