If you have been following my journey's progress with Delorme, you have noticed I've stopped in a place called LaBelle, FL. The stop was intentional.
There is a potential tropical storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico and it is taking aim at the west coast of Florida. LaBelle is approximately 50 miles inland and I decided it would be safer for me to wait the storm out here.

Today is the Lord's Day, and if it is at all possible, I will always be in the house of the Lord on His day. I know there are many people who do not believe that faithful attendance is something God is concerned about, and will skip worship at the drop of a hat. I encourage you to reread Hebrews 10:25. As a Christian, it should be our will to do His will, and one aspect of His will is for us to assemble together on the first day of the week. Also, if we are to "seek first the kingdom of God," Matthew 6:33, when we willfully skip worship for whatever reason: kids, grandkids, vacation, fishing, hunting, a day at the beach, etc. etc. etc., we are in reality, putting that reason before God and His kingdom. That reason takes 1st place and God is forced to take a backseat to it. If not, why not? Selective obedience is simply willful disobedience. Period. We can sugarcoat it and paint it with a thousand excuses but the simple truth is, if we have the means to accomplish God's command, but choose not to, we are willfully disobedient.

I said all that to say this; God does not need our worship. He is self-sufficient and can exist without our praises. Worship is a creature response to the creator. WE need to worship because it benefits US!
I was the one who was truly blessed here in this place called, LaBelle. On Saturday, I searched the internet, found a Christian Church, called them on the phone to ask someone to pick me up at the marina on Sunday morning. They sent a van to pick me up, and I was able to gather with God's people and worship Him in spirit and in truth on the Lord's Day. The church was welcoming and friendly, the message was Biblical and relevant, and the food was delicious, (it happened to be the one Sunday a month when they have a potluck dinner - another perk). Bill Maddox, the minister for the church, was very gracious and even announced my mission to the whole church and promised to publish this website in their bulletin. WOW!
I am again reminded of Jesus' word, "Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel's, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time — houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions — and in the age to come, eternal life" Mark 10:29,30.

My point; I may be laid up here in this place called LaBelle, but here, in this unscheduled stopover, thanks to the God I serve, I have family even here.
Thank you First Christian Church of LaBelle for your warm welcome and Christian spirit.
God bless you.
P.S. By the way, Annie made it under the railroad lift bridge and across Lake O. I've included a picture album and a video below of the trip so far.